Thursday, 22 November 2018

Primary Requirement of a Good House is Good Ventilation

For a good house, Ventilation is one of the basic requirements. Good ventilation is a must to ensure the health of those who live in the house as fresh air is a compulsory. When building a house it is not difficult to follow ventilation options in tropical climes.

With natural wind blowing they will provide the necessary ventilation and you can incorporate a lot of windows to prevent house damp.

It is not possible to have many windows in a house in countries where there are harsh winters. You must stay indoors and close them during winter even if you do have.

Kitchen is one of the places where due to air being contaminated with cooking the air gets polluted. Naturally some oxygen will be burnt if you are using a gas stove.

It will remain in the kitchen polluting the air unless you have a chimney which removes the carbon dioxide into the outside of the house. To allow fresh air to come into the house you must force this polluted air out with a window exhaust fan.

Now with a problem on how to ventilate your house you are faced. Expelling some air from the areas where the air become stale or gets contaminated is the best house damp solutions. To expel the stale air from the house Exhaust fans are most suitable way.

The air will become stale and damp in your bathroom, which is the other place. You must find a solution here too.

The moisture from the evaporating water will make the walls damp and with air the smells of soaps deodorants washing powers and everything else used in there will get mixed. The best thing is to make proper ventilation and fix a window exhaust fan to solve this problem.

Your house will be a better place to live once the ventilation is ensured in those places where the air gets contaminated.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Health Problems Caused by High Humidity and Damp Levels

Humidity in your home can also affect your health too apart from affecting the aesthetics of your house due to high levels of humidity and the causes of damp. The common clues are wallpaper starting to bubble; paint on your walls starting to chip and wood that is starting to warp.

The clues of high humidity levels must be observed and identified, which can affect your health. Before the issue becomes a serious problem you must do something about it. And, don't forget, you must look after this as your health is your wealth. You must have proper house damp solutions.

Keep your home at a certain humidity level is very essential. This is because it will attract dust mites when mould grows and in a timely manner it is not dealt with.

If you do not deal with it Mould can also contaminate other areas in your home. It can spread and grow on to any carpet near the infected area, your upholstery and of course floors.

It will create spores which for pets and humans can create some serious health issues if mould is left to its own devices, coming from the fungus family.

You have fungus growing your home can be indicated by that familiar damp smell, and using a dehumidifier is the most efficient and best way of removing this. You must install proper roof ventilation systems.

High humidity and damp levels affecting your lungs is the most common health risk. Symptoms include wheezing, dry throat and coughing. You must be particularly careful if there is someone who suffers from asthma in your house.

Many asthma attacks are triggered by mould and Damp in your home leading to respiratory infections.

Symptoms which we would associate with the common cold can be caused by excess damp. Leading to general tiredness, headaches and infections these include puffy eyes, runny nose.

The symptoms can actually lead to developing the flu if you do not deal with your damp issue. The growth of mould leads to dust mites which a lot of people are allergic to.